
Monday, February 1, 2016

Announcement - A2Z Scrapbooking Design Team Member!

Hi everyone....I'm super excited to let you know that I was selected to be on the Design Team for
a2z Scrapbooking!  This team is all about Hero Arts and their amazing products!  Check out the announcement :  Design Team Announcement
I'll be posting on the 15th and 30th of the month featuring Hero Arts Products!

It's also very cool personally for me because their Etsy store "A2ZScrapbooking" raises money for two diseases:  Celiac Disease and Behcet's Disease.  I have a dear family member with Celiac's and I am so happy to do anything I can to help fund research for both of these diseases.

My first post for them will be later this month.  In the meantime, check out their Etsy shop here:
A2ZScrapbooking and look around!  You can get a 15% discount if you use the code Angie15 if you spend $25 and up, excluding shipping costs.  And if there's something Hero Arts you need and it's not in the store, just contact them and they can order it for you!  You'll be getting great products plus know you are supporting a worthy cause at the same time!

Happy Crafting my friends....I'll be adding some creations later in the day!


  1. How exciting! I have enjoyed seeing your cards at StampTV in the past and you definitely have a lovely style. Congratulations!

  2. Congrats Mom! So glad you get to share your talent with others! Love you!!!
